James Lee

Mukarram Pasha

About Me

I am a student of Computer Science currently working on my thesis in Social Media Analysis and trying to pull through various other academic responsibilities. I spend a lot of time learning new technologies and have plans to actively help other people learn by writing tutorials and blogs in near future. I apportion my spare time working on freelance projects mainly related to Data Science and Machine Learning.

I enjoy reading, and the knowledge and perspective that my reading gives me has strengthened my communication skills and presentation abilities. I have been quite successfull through out my academic career and I attribute this success to my ability to plan and schedule different tasks at once. I am a progressive thinker and respect everyone's space and values.

Work Experience

Python Developer Base H (Mar 2018 - Present)

Currently working on GUI of a beta version of a content writter tool powered by Artificial intelligence. I am also engaged in carrying out research on usage of various different platforms for cloud services and Chat bots.

  Machine Learning

Intern Python Developer KNYSYS LLC (Dec 2016 - Mar 2017)

Initially completed a week-long developers course comprising of fundamental computer science topics and solved some intermediate level programming tasks in Python. Later built a custom “Library Management Module” on an open source ERP platform and worked on backend functionalities of an e-commerce web project.


Freelance Projects

Health FundIt | Cryptocurrency Miner for Health Funding

Health Fundit is a desktop application built using electron.js. The app works as a background process when started. After regular intervals, number of hashes mined and some other stats are sent on the web via the REST API. As per requirements of the client I configured the mining pool and formatted the API GET and POST requests along with some statistical graphs in the application.


Share It | Hate Speech Detection

Share It is a CMS with automated hate speech and offensive language detection. My contributions in this project included building a classification model for classifying blogs and other textual data. The model had an accuracy of 84% on test data. I also had to integrate the trained model with the php-backend of the CMS.

   Machine Learning
  Sentiment Analysis

Big 5 Personality Traits Identification

Built a Web Application using Flask for identifying the "Big 5 Personality Traits" based on a set of questions and Twitter Stream of a user. User had to answer all questions and provide his/her twitter handle. Twitter handle is used to extract tweets of a user using Tweepy . Tweets are then preprocessed and fed into a Machine Learning pipeline which outputs a probablity score for each of the 5 traits. I created a custom Machine Learning pipeline involving NLP techniques like TFIDF vectorization and Stemming of tweets.

  Web Application
  Twitter API

Staff Trace

Staff Trace is a Desktop Application built using electron.js for managing the Staff members of a staffing company in California. Staff members are located using zip codes they operate in and are shown by a marker on Google maps. Users can search for staffing services by entering thier zipcodes and other details.

  Google Maps API
  Management System

AI based automated Spell Checker for Urdu Language

Built a spell checker for Urdu, based on classic NLP techniques and algorithms like Ngram Frequencies, Soundex, Least Common Subsequence etc. After a week of fine tuning the NLTK classifiers and the whole workflow, I achived around 90% accuracy on test corpus.


Data Science & Machine Leaning Notebooks

I have worked on various freelance projects involving traditional Data Scince and Machine Learning workflows using different Datasets. Most of the work includes Data Cleaning, Exploratory Analysis, Predictive Modeling and Story Telling.

  Scikit Learn

Open Source Projects

TadPole Challenge Find out more

TADPOLE is a challenge to identify which people within an age group at risk of AD will start to show symptoms in the short to medium term (1-5 years). It focusses on rollover individuals in the Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI) study. The challenge is to use historical measurements from these individuals to forecast future measurements. I contributed to this Project in late 2017.

  Research & Development
  Predictive Modeling

Yellow Pages of Pakistan | Dataset View on Kaggle

I created this dataset to enable everyone to explore local businesses of Pakistan. This dataset might help the local community in gathering information of local businesses. This might also help in local economic development of Pakistan by bridging traders and manufacturers. The dataset contains information of approx 67000 businesses in Pakistan.

  Web Scraping

Skeletal Animation View on Github

This project basically serves the purpose of providing a high-level interface for creating animations of human models, let it be a stickman or any other character. Mostly animation is done in two steps: a surface representation used to draw the character (called skin or mesh) and a hierarchical set of interconnected bones (called the skeleton or rig) used to animate (pose and keyframe) the mesh. This technique is often used to animate humans or more generally for organic modeling. I have provided a generalized approach for the 2nd part (skeletal / hierarchical modeling) which allows anyone to use our model and apply any mesh / skin as per their requirements.

  Hierarchical Modeling

Automata | Theory of Computer Science View on Github

I implemented a mini Java library for common automata theory constructs and their inter-conversions. Many complex problems and scenarios can be modeled using structures like DFA and Trasition Graphs which are included in this project repository. Repository also contains a mini platform game to demonstrate a simple use case scenario of Deterministic Finite Automata.

  Transition Graphs
  Context Free Grammars

Academic & Other Projects

Clinic Management System

Built a desktop application for Pasha Medical and Surgical Center to provide ease in their daily customer interactions and report generation. The application included custom modules of patients and expenses with CRUD operations. Application is live for about 8 months and is still being used. I am providing maintennance services as well.

  Management System
  NoSQL Databases

Facebook Scraping

Built a Web Crawler to extract content from Facebook as Facebook does not allow access to public data through an external API. The project is still in development, currently it can scrape Facebook groups, posts and user profiles. The project is a sub-part of my thesis in Social Network Analysis.

  Web Automation
  Social Network Analysis

GambleCoin Check it out here

GambleCoin is a company portfolio like project built using Web FrontEnd technologies like Bootstrap & JavaScript. The project makes use of some utility modules like Magnific Popup and Font Awesome

  Web Portfolio

Sharpy | An intersection of C# and Python

Sharpy is a complier built at the end of my Compiler Construction course in 6th Semester. It included 3 phases; Lexical Analyzer, Sytanx Analyzer and Sementic Analyzer. The project was named Sharpy because the language syntax and rules were inspired by Python and was implemented using C#.

  Compiler Construction

My GitHub